1st Fish Hoek Sea Scout Group

Be Prepared


About Us

1 st Fish Hoek Sea Scout Group caters for youth between the ages of  7 and 17 years old. 

(We will starting Meerkats in April 2023)

Our cub pack is for youth between 7 and 10 while our Scout Troop is for youth between 11 and 17. We welcome both boys and girls to participate within our group.

Both our Cub Pack and our Scout Troop have a very rich youth development and advancement program which the youth follow throughout their Cubbing and Scouting days. 

Our Group has their meets during the school terms. Our Cub Pack meets on Friday evenings between 5:30pm and 7:00pm and our Scout Troop meets on Fridays between 7:30pm and 9:30pm. 

Trained adult leaders are always present at these meets to ensure safety while maintaining a high level of learning and most importantly FUN. 

We also regularly participate in hikes, camps, sailing and competitions on a group, district and provincial level

Our People

Group Andrew Wannenburgh
email : sgl@1stfishhoekscouts.co.za

Troup Scouter Peter Neilson

Pack Scouter (Akela) Alistair Clacherty
email: alistair@clacherty.co.za

Hall Rental: either Andrew or Alistair above